KS1 Timetable
8.40 - Gates open
8.45 - Registration
8.55 - Reading practice
9.35 - Maths
10.30 Playtime
10.45 - Phonics
11.15 - English
12.15 - Lunchtime
1.15 - Dimensions topic work/P.E/R.E
2.45 - Assembly (Mon/Fri)
3.15 - Home time
EYFS Timetable
8.40 - Gates open
8.45 - Classroom doors open, registration and free-flow activities. Children engage in learning through play.
9.00 - Literacy (Carpet time)
9.10 - Free flow activities and adult led focus - literacy
10.20 - Maths (Carpet time)
10.30 - Free-flow activities and adult led focus - maths
11.30 - Rec - Phonics / Nursery - Key skills
11.55 - Singing time
12.00 - Home time for AM Nursery children
12.00 - Lunchtime for full day Nursery children and Reception
1.00 - Carpet time
1.15 - Free flow activities
3.00 - Story time
3.15 - Home time
*Snack area open throughout the morning for children during free-flow play.