Newhall Infant and Nursery School is an exclusive school and are proud in celebrating being part of Britain in a culturally diverse society.
We actively promote the 5 British Values of:
At Newhall Infant and Nursery School, we actively promote British Values within our school ethos and broad curriculum, and through our assemblies and collective worship. The school has strong links with the local churches and community and has a programme of visits and visitors to support and reinforce the importance of these values in the education of children at Newhall Infant & Nursery School.
Democracy is apparent throughout the school. The School Council meets every term to decide a variety of things e.g. on charity activities and themes, new playground equipment, ideas for school lunches etc. Our school behaviour policy involves rewards which pupils vote on in their classes.
Our Governing Body is comprised of elected representatives from the staff, local authority, parents, and co-opted governors (community); they meet every term.
We actively invite parents and carers for their views throughout the year; this is done through the home/schoolbooks, individual letters, meetings, and suggestions box/questionnaires at parents’ evenings. The Head Teacher is on the gate most mornings and the Head Teacher and staff are available to talk to parents and carers.
In classes democracy is demonstrated in a number of ways from choosing a favourite story once a week and voting for Friday afternoon activities to choosing the babies name for the baptism ceremony when Year 1 visit the Methodist Church.
Rule of Law
The importance of Laws, from Class codes to School Rules and the Laws of the Country are consistently reinforced through daily school life, in school assemblies and when dealing with behaviour issues. Children are taught the value and reasons behind rules and responsibilities that they have in abiding by and upholding them through assemblies and PSHCE lessons and in discipline situations. They are made aware that laws/rules are there to govern and protect us and of the consequences for themselves, their community and society when laws/rules are broken.
Within school, the children are aware that all adults’ teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors have the same rules, authority, and sanctions.
Individual Liberty
We aim to provide a supportive environment within which children and staff can make informed choices and voice their opinions. All our children know that they can go to any adult in school with their concerns. Parent questionnaires and pupil interviews show that children feel safe and know who they can approach in school.
At playtime children are free to choose playground games and activities.
We teach children about their personal rights and freedoms and how to be safe through assemblies, PSHE and Online Safety sessions.
Mutual Respect
Children learn about specific British celebrations, events and commemorations e.g. Remembrance Day and Bonfire Night through history topics RE and assemblies.
Within the curriculum the children walk around Newhall, discuss local facilities and how to take care of our local area.
Children learn about other countries and cultures through Geography, RE and assemblies and we support children and people less fortunate than ourselves through the “Love in a box” appeal, harvest charities and our charity days.
Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs
Our RE, PSHE lessons and assemblies and whole school ethos teach and reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. Key celebrations in different faiths are learned about including Christmas, Easter, Ramadan and Eid and Chinese New Year.
Year one visit the local Methodist church and learn about baptism. They also have a visit from people from external visitors to learn about Muslim culture and experience Mendhi patterns. Year Two visit St John’s Church of England in Newhall, they learn about Weddings.
Children in our school learn about and compare Christianity and Islam and learn about things that are important to people of these faiths, looking at both similarities and differences. They learn about things that are significant to Christians and Muslims including festivals, Holy books and customs.